This is a great guide for any artist interested in learning human anatomy or improving their anatomy skills. It is very well illustrated and detailed, with sharp colors and great photos.
The instructions given are not tied to any particular 3d modeling program. All of them is general and could be applied to whatever software you prefer.
Although anatomy is complicated (especially for those who don’t know anything about it), this book helps you understand it in a lot of different ways. It covers every stage in the creation of all kinds of male and female figures.
One other very important aspect is the visuals. Pictures are the key to understanding the material, and this book has every page filled with full-color illustrations of each step along the way.
I couldn’t find anything negative to say about it. It is a great product and I highly recommend it. Either you are an amateur or a professional 3d artist, this is the book that will take your 3d models to the next level of realism!